7.51 a. m. - The mobile office at Lenox Coffee.
The photo above is of "the Tanglewood tree"; the silhouette of which is used on most of the print media for the music center. It's located on the central part of the grounds near the largest performance venue, the Koussevitsky Music Shed. It's seen better days, in fact is probably in its last years of life, but still quite striking, and only one of countless amazing trees on the grounds. I wish I knew more about tree classifications!
I’ve found what will probably be my mobile workplace for at least the next couple weeks, until the wi-fi on the Tanglewood grounds is up and running for the summer. Nice atmosphere, and the best Americano I’ve had in a long time. I’m hoping the sun will come out soon, so I can head in to the grounds and snap a few photos before the work day begins. Also working through Shop Class as Soulcraft, which is turning out to be particularly relevant to my current undertakings.
9.31 p.m.
Today was a tough one for me. Tuned three vertical pianos, and the third one won. Pitch started out VERY flat, and I didn’t over-correct as much as I should have, and ended up having to do it all again from scratch. Discouraging and frustrating. I could see it coming as I was doing it, which made it all the more painful. I’m walking a very thin line here between knowing that I have a certain amount of knowledge and skill, and feeling that I’m still an absolute beginner. In a way, both are true. Scott had words of encouragement and advice, as did the other tech interns, which helped, but I still was glad to get away from there this evening. Came home and went for a good run to help clear my head. Dinner and a phone call home followed, and I’m feeling a bit more together. We did get started on a new set of tasks today as well, that of prepping the grands for their spaces, which includes very fundamental tasks such as bedding the keyframe; in effect, making sure that there is no lost energy between the pianist’s hands and the initiation of the hammer stroke. A very important first step in grand regulation, and one in which I have limited experience, so it will be very helpful for me, not to mention a needed break from tuning verticals.
It’s a cool night, good sleeping weather. I’m enjoying that for now, because I know there will come a time this summer where I’ll be longing for a break from heat and humidity. A good nights sleep ahead, and start fresh tomorrow.
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