Lenox coffee, 7.10 a.m.
Discovered on the Tanglewood grounds:
These three stones - including an epitaph and the first notes of "Fanfare for the Common Man" - are in a circular area at the end of a grape arbor adjacent to the formal gardens at Tanglewood. At least some of Copland’s ashes were scattered here. I have to pass by each time I go to my pianos in the rehearsal stage building, and I enjoy pausing for a moment, just to see if Aaron speaks to me.
According to the weather forecast, we’re at the beginning of about a ten-day stretch of clouds and rain. So far, right on the money. Not so bad when one is indoors working, but getting from one venue to another on days like today can be a sloggy mess. There are gravel/dirt paths which turn to mud, large expanses of lawn which act as sponges and provide about the same footing, and that’s about it for walking options around the grounds. The umbrella will get a workout today.
Yesterday I started off in Manor House, with a pair of L’s. One was in decent shape, but the other is exhibiting serious friction issues. Narrowed down the problem to the hammer flanges, and performed a couple of procedures to lessen the problem, but the real solution is a complete overhaul of the flange centers, which is at least a two-hour job. Moved on from there to an appointment at a faculty house for some damper work and a tuning. Dampers are still a major mystery for me; more often than not, if I have a positive effect on a problem it’s totally by chance. Luck was with me yesterday. Ended with easing the key bushings on the B in Carriage House #1, and since I had more or less worked through the day without a break, I knocked off at 4.30 and headed out for a run. Shower, dinner, bookkeeping, reading, and an early crash followed.
I begin today with my first “deadline” work: a piano was put on its feet in the orchestra pit in the theatre late yesterday, and requires basic setup and tuning before the first rehearsal at 10.00 a.m. From there it’s on to a tuning in the shed practice rooms, and back to the Carriage House for more work on the B. Probably should check on the pianos in the Rehearsal Stage as well, for possible water issues.
Lenox coffee, 12.34 p.m.
My morning computing was interrupted by Steve, who joined me at table for a short time before we both headed to the grounds. No matter – any excuse to come back for a second cup on a day like today is welcome. So far the morning has been as planned; the piano in the theatre cooperated, and I’m in the middle of wrestling with a K in the shed which needed extensive regulation before I could attempt a tuning. It has rained nonstop all morning, and my shoes are permanently damp. All part of the glamorous life as a piano technician at Tanglewood!
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