Lenox Coffee, 7.08 a.m.
DIY holiday snaps in the Berkshires:
After a wonderful weekend with V, I’m back at the coffee shop, getting myself ready for the next segment of my Tanglewood experience. The weekend included music (Tchaikovsky Symphony #6 and Piano Concerto #1 on Friday, Diana Krall with orchestra and a great quartet on Saturday), an excellent hike on Friday, good meals, a bit of shopping, and lots of just walking around, enjoying each others’ company.
At the grounds, we’ll rotate piano assignments today, effective for the next three weeks. For me this means a bit of catching up, as I haven’t scheduled any specific time on my new group as of yet. I’ll try to hit at least one before rehearsals get going at ten, and then sit down with the week’s schedule and get myself organized. I’ll pass through the middle of the middle this week, but as of today at least, I’m not feeling any of the usual symptoms. It’s a beautiful morning, the sun is shining, the sky is blue, and I’m ready to get at it again.
Yea! Pictures! I really enjoy reading your blog and more pictures of pianos and people would add a lot.